Omigosh! I hate this app. How dare they make a childrens app for a childrens cartoon? Where are the sexy pics of frolicking ponies? Where is the slash fic? Dont they understand My Little Ponys true market is unmarried 25 year old men who still live with their mothers? Jeez…
Instead we got a cute interactive picture book with cut scenes from the movie and mini games to play that let kids collect items for their diary. Video cut scenes? Whats up with that? This app took forever to install with my 28.8k baud connection. And the vids werent even HD. Have some respect for us true fans. Who cares about the mysterious opt-in via Safari to a marketing firms website? Wheres our Canterlot cosplay cat house?
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Sparky McMuffin about My Little Pony: Twilight Sparkle, Teacher for a Day